wanna fly like a bird

wanna fly like a bird

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thid lesson of PR

Welcome back to week 4

lesson, today we learned about Media Relations definition, Types of Tactics, News vs. Feature story, and some tips for new relationships.

While many people use the terms "public relations" and "media relations" interchangeably, the definition of media relations is somewhat more narrow. Media relations refers to the relationship that a company develops with journalists, while public relations extends that relationship beyond the media to the general public. Media relations are important, but it's also critical to keep in mind the end result, which is the message that's disseminated to the public and one surprise thing was only 12% of stories were generated by reporters.

For Tactics, it divided into 4 parts which are written, spoken, acted, and imagined. First, written divided into two again; uncontrolled and controlled. An uncontrolled are letter to editor, news, and letters etc and for a controlled, it has pamphlets etc. The difference between uncontrolled and controlled, controlled written can create by yourself. Second, is spoken which are face to face, speeches, interviews, word of mouth. Third, is Acted which are media conference, press conference and photos opportunity. Last one is imagined, are about pictures(computer generated, photographs, graffiti), videos, DVDs, and CDs, also have music-concerts and political.

And Tanya Wilson mentioned about Find article from newspapers or magazines about News and Feature story..and i think i need to get more information for these things to make me clear of assignment.

Moreover, also showed us some tips for new relationship because in public relations, making relationship is pretty important thing. There are always respond to media inquiries as soon as possible, Never promise anything you cannot deliver and last thing is always "over deliver"- go beyond what the media expects. FOR this week's lesson, we've got so much things to do and to remember.

I think this chapter is good to understand the fundamental importance of ethics to the study and application of pofessional public relations. Furthermore, have chance to be familiar with the main theoretical approaches to ethical reasoning. In this chapter, you could see specific definition of ethics;it said, it is about standards of behaviour, specifically, concern for 'good' behaviour and consideration of how our behaviour, as an individual or an organisation, affect the wellbeing of others or society as a whole.'Also, you could think about this question which is about is it easy to be ethical? Those who subscribe to te universal standards view ofethics sometimes argue that what is ethical is obvious and natural, and that choosing the mostethical behaviour should therefore just be 'as normal ad as unconscious as shaking hands'(Howard & Mathews 1988:96). On page 113, they showed 'The ethics pyramid', i guess you may find it helpful to follow the pyramid graphic that provides one possibletool for mnaging this process.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Second lesson of PR

This is the second lesson for PR and I apologize for posting this up 3 days after calss.

For the second lesson, the topic for today is Strategy, Tactics & Evaluation in PR and I've learned that advertisements run in every part of our lives.

by the way, we are supposed to read "Introduction to Public Relations: From Theory to Practice"
by Joy Chia and Gae Synnott. But It is not available to get a hold on the book because bookstore does not provide this book.

There was one thing from lecture which is very interesting to me that; Advertising says, "I am great!" but PR says, "I am great and I agree!"
I think that makes PR effective in a sense that there is more "personal touch" involved in PR.

THAT is so much things for this week.

Theoritical Context- by Marianne D Sison

This chapter is helpful to understand the various theoritical contexts that apply to Public relations, and good t know the key communication and organisational theories that have influenced Public relations scholaship. Have you thought about why understanding theory is important? I think it is because theory will challenge you to think more deeply about what about what and where your assumptions about Public relations come from. It can resul in further theory deelopment and will certainly help you to develop a better grasp of the role of Public reations.

Moreover, Public relations is related to psychology(grounded from social psychology's learning traditons) because it is helpful in understanding how individuals and audiences think, feel, and behave so that commuincation messages and strategies can be made more effective.

I think the importance of signs and significance has been recognized throughout much of the history of both philosophy and psychology also. Plato and Aristole both explored the relationship between signs and the world, and Augustine considered the nature of the signs and the world, and Augustine considered the nature of the sign within a conventional system. These theories have had a lasting effect on Western philosophy, especially through Scholastic philosophy. More recently, Umberto Eco, in his "Semiotics and Philosophy of Language"(1984)
has argued that semiotic theories are implicit in the work of most, perhaps all, major thinkers.
Furthermore, all sign systems are essentially arbitrary. That is, there is no rational connection between a physical object(signified) and the word or symbol attributed to it(signifier). The green light at an intersection associated with the action "go" could equally be purple of blue. There is nothing inherent about the colour green that makes it an appropriate symbol to indicate that it is safe to move ahead.

TO BE CONTINED............................

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First lesson of PR

TODAY, I attended the first lesson for PR(Public Relation).
A lecturer, Ms. Tanya did an introduction to PR(quick introduction to this module)
and explained about our assignments for this class.
And i also heard that it is not an easy job because besides meeting different people, this may be kind of stressful. I may not have been punctual for all my past classes, but I will try to be at this time.
Accordingly, I have to prepare a lot for this class also want to get through it well like others.
I hope to complete this class and I am looking forward to the next lessons.
-by Joy Chia
PR is a professional discipline that aims to enhance an organizations reputation and stakeholder relations, to achieve its objectives through communications and related strategic tools. It is also important to define the profession in terms of its practice, values, and cultural context. As I mentioned at the first, the reason that theory is important is because theories are developed from research that informs practice and develops principles for practice as ''theory is the application of knowledge that has been varified and confirmed to consistently "work" in consistent situations' (Center, Jackson, Smith & Stansbury 2008:13). This chapter demonstrate an understand of PR, and help to understand the structure of the PR professiona with a focus on Australia and including some examples; New Zealand and Asia. Moreover, after read this chapter, I could have time to think about why theory is important to practice and what theory is important to PR practice.
- by Joy Chia
- This chapter help us to understand what is shaping the profession and develop an understanding of some ways to respond to changing enviroments in the profession.Moreover, It explores the rationale for Public Relations practice as it responds to global and international trends and influences, online communcation changes and new ways to communicate, and changing professional demographics. Harris & Fleisher(2008), our understanding of global trends and why we need to be conversant with the way these trends influence public affairs globally. Another influence on Public Relations practice is the international context and increased tension between local-global perspective. Do you think which is more important; global or local? Even thought there may be restrictions on mediated and unmediated communication, global awareness about issues has a way of empowering public opinion (Sharpe & Pitchard 2004).

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welcome to Yale's world

Welcome to my blog, hope to enjoy with it !!! :) peace =)