wanna fly like a bird

wanna fly like a bird

Sunday, March 14, 2010

week 10th PR blogging =)

Chapter 13-Focus on Asian Public Relations Management

This chapter aims to identify the different cutural issues that apply to the practice of public relation in Asia, to discuss various aspects of public relations as they apply to different locations, and to understand the importance of identifying variables in public relations.

What makes public relations important? I think there are a number of important factors at work in Asia that make the job of public reltions more complex than it may be in individual Western countries. In this, Trade, languages, government intent, stakeholders, and personal interaction is very important for public relations.

Public relations is fundamentally the art and science of establishing relationships between an organization and its key audience. It plays a key role in helping business industries create strong relationships with customers, also it involves supervising and assessing public attitudes, and maintaining mutual relations and understanding between an oganisation and its public. The function of public relations is to improve channels of communication and to institute new way of setting up a two-way flow of information and understanding.

At present public relations as a career option exists in private companies or government institutions that actively market their product, service and facilities. Public relations training courses are widespread in educational institutions.

Most public relations practitoners are recruited from the ranks of journalism. Public relations officers are highly trained professionals with expertise an knowledge in many areas, for example shareholder management during a crisis, the evolving role of the in-house public relations professional, account management skills for public relations, an introduction to financial public relations, an introduction to consumer public relations, an introduction to public relations software etc.

The Public sphere is an area in social life where people can get together and freely discuss and identify societal problems, and throught that discussion influence political actions. It can be seen as "a theater in modern societies in which political participation is enacted through the medium of talk" and "a realm of social life in which public opinion can be formed."

And, on page 369 to 378, they showed example of countries by country practice which are China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Thailand. You can see the contextual influences of government and culture are instrumental in defining how public relations operates in the countrieds studied in this chapter. :)

It was the last posting blog, I hope you guys can enjoy my pity Blog:)
Thank you so much <3


  1. The chapter talks about PR practices in few countries, and in South Korea's section, the auther mention something about cheong and no-cheong. I wonder what do they literally mean?
    As you're from South Korea, can you tell us more about it? :D

  2. There are many ways to define global and for each definition there is a specific reason that underpins the argument for it to be defined that way.

    Japan,South Korea, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and Indonesia will be included.

  3. Helllllllo Yale!
    I'm interested to know about how public relation events are like in Korea. do you guys carry out events on streets randomly like in Singapore? How's people's attitude towards these events? :))
